Title: Guardian at the Gate Fandom: Supernatural Rating/Content: Gen, PG-13, Silliness, Bad trick-or-treating safety, Trial Radiation Sick Sammy, humor. Word Count: 2000-ish Disclaimer: I do not own and did not originate this world and its inherent characters. Notes: Written for princess_schez's spn_bigpretzelHalloween Comment-fic Meme prompt. Also on AO3
(I got done the season before the new one starts! \o/) (Oh, right, there's a character limit on Livejournal. *tweaks image code until it squeaks* Here's hoping!)
Warning: Contains profanity, some serious. Also some typos and word jumbles I'm sure because I'm posting this in a tearing hurry. Will likely edit later.
Let's see if I remember how to do this. According to the dates on the screencaps, it has taken me two months to watch this one episode... So this could be a bit disjointed. O.o